Tuesday, November 15, 2011

East Coast Adventure: Part 1, A Summary

I've been blessed with being able to travel to a lot of places in the USA, from Chicago to Atlanta, to Cincinnati and Dallas, to LA and the west coast and tons of places in between but I've never made it up the East Coast.  The time had finally come.

The interesting part about this trip was that I had no itinerary, no planned schedule, no map at all.  As Captain Kirk of the Star Ship Enterprise would say with the wave of his hand......Just Go......Out There......
For those who know me, this is totally against my nature. Mr I've got to plan everything, make sure everything is organized, every detail examined....went straight out the window.  I had a couple of close friends I wanted to see and wanted to make it to a few of the large cities on the way but that was it.

My adventure took me through Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and a few other places.  I experienced more things than I ever expected in my lifetime.

For some, my experiences are not an adventure, just their everyday life.  Some may not see the special moments of those experiences but I've always felt the need to find the joy where ever I can and in the most unexpected places.  Joy is hard to find these days and when it presents itself in the beauty around us, in massive sky scrapers, in the uniqueness of a true friend, then we need to reach out with both hands and grasp it with everything we've got........

So the Adventure Began........And the Journey Continues.......Part 2

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