Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Greener Grass

We've all gone through a time in our lives, when we have our eye on the grass on the other side of the fence. It seems so much greener, thicker, and well kept. We look at what we have and long for what we don't. We want the experience of running our bare feet through the richness of the field, to roll and play and lay in all of it's glory.

As we gaze on it's beauty, we realize two things.

First, there is a fence in the way. That fence can be a barrier made of circumstances, or fear, or both.
To leave the comfortable...but somewhat unhappy place....and climb the fence to a new beginning, can seem as big as climbing a mountain filled with unreachable cliffs.

If you're like me, it seems like I have to have all my P's and Q's in order before I can even think about attempting such a feat. I have to have all the answers, to all this questions I might face, before I can proceed. My circumstances, as well as my fear of letting go and starting the climb, seem almost too much to fathom.

Second, before we take that leap of faith, we have to take time to get a better look at what's on the other side of the fence. When we take a deeper look, we might realize that as most fields, the grass is not as green as we thought. It may be filled with unknown thistles, and weeds, and holes.

For some of us, there is no hesitation to leap over the fence, start a new journey in this life, and face all the ups and downs with a renewed energy and joy.

For some of us, the fear of the unknown, brings us to our knees, as we try to sort it all out. People living outside of our box, see our circumstances and know that there is so much need for a change. They can't understand why we have any hesitation.

So we find ourselves being the one who says, lets just do it, or the one who says, let me make sure everything will turn out right before we do.

I envy the ones who can take a leap of faith, meeting the challenge head on, and facing each twist in the road as it comes. Unfortunately, my mind is one that see's all the.....what ifs....can I make it if things don't work out....do I really want to put myself in a place of uncertainty.

Being of that mind set, I've learned that you can get stuck in a rut, for a long, long time. You can go through so many years of feeling that life has lost his zeal, it's joy, it's meaning. I know that being sensible is a good thing, as can throwing it up into the wind and enjoying the experience.

I guess, finding that balance, can be the hard part. Not being too analytical, but at the same time, not being too carefree, remembering that every action has a reaction. Learning to balance our head, and our heart.

As you can probably tell by now, I'm going through one of those circumstances, seeing my field, tattered and worn, filled with weeds, and thistles, and holes. It's a field of certainty, but also a place that's complacent, stagnate, and lifeless. I have to decide if I can meet the challenge of a new field, to make a decision for me for a change, even if it hurts some of those around me who have given their support and love, but have also given me a lot of that grief and frustration. It's a decision that could bring new joy and purpose....or circumstances that I could live to regret, if things don't work out. My analytical mind and my heart become a tug of war, not realizing that they both can meet half way, which again brings me to my knees.

So, is the Greener Grass, worth the challenges that it may hold......

I guess the answer.....will be......to be continued.........

as my Journey Continues.........


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Beautifully written: I used to be you. I used to envy those with the "courage" to take that leap. Now...I'm one of those people. I spent a huge part of my life stuck. If the hamster wheel had a human face, it would have been mind. When you sick and tired, the spirit will eventually move in the direction of change. I believe unless we have "serious deep rooted pain," ultimately that voice...His voice leads us to FAITH.

We can watch life or we can participate. His word never promised easy...He promised we'd never go it alone. And oftentimes, in this flesh, when there's no physical support...someone in our corner...we become fearful and time continues to tick by us. Before we realize it, years have past by with no significant changes.

But walking in the spirit is truly enough to sustain us. Feel the fear and do it anyway. As long as it's not intentional sin, and as long as your motives are pure...what's the worse that can happen?

We'll never please everyone and oftentimes, we don't get the support we crave from those near and dear to us. Most times, misery loves company and other times, their just as afraid as we are.

I say go with your initial instinc, but always with prayer and patience. 2nd Timothy 7 ... Trust in Him and trust in yourself. Who knows you better than you.

You're in my prayers sweet friend. I've been down this road many many times and after "some" regretful decisions...looking back, it was all in His plans. I just didn't know it while I was going through it.


Unknown said...

A forrest will be burned down of all of the shurbbery, weeds, dead trees etc, but when you go back to that same area that you had to burn down, you realize that it is not the same burned patch of land it was when you left it. Over a period of time the grass began to grow, the shrubs are replaced with flowers and the trees that were once dead are alive bearing fruit. You should simply refuse to be a part of anyone's maddness even though they may have supported you in your time of need and was there when you were down. Unless you are happy where you are and you are truly content with the direction your life is going. One cannot dictate how your day is going to be or what direction your life will go, but you. You are the only one that can make you as well as break you. The grass may not be greener on the other side but wouldn't that be based on an assumption? We all have fears of the unknown, but how will you know until you are able to place your feet on the other side of the fence, roll in the grass and let your eyes actually see what kind of flowers are waiting for you? This place will give you the strength to continue with that special person or make the journey alone. The most important thing is; now on this other side you can finally inhale and exhale and say you finally did it with no guilt or regrets and live the life that you love and love the life that you are begining to live.

WynnSong said...

Thanks you China. Your words remind me that if I keep my eyes on Him....and listen to Him...the change will come......

WynnSong said...

And thank you Chuckles for more wisdom and encouragement...