Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Who I Am

Listening to the radio, again this week, the lyrics of a song seemed to jump out at me.

"What You Are Going Through, Is Not Who You Are"

That thought really hit home for me. So many times I've defined who I am, by just exactly that, what I am growing through. Whether it was the struggles of family, the pain of depression, the triumphs or battle scars, or the woes of the world weighing too heavy on my shoulders.

Sure, we learn from these moments. How we react to them can reveal our strengths and weaknesses, our moral outlook and our character. But to realize that, this is NOT who I am, but just the hills and valleys of my journey of life, was an eye opener.

Thinking on these thoughts, I looked out the window at a weeping willow tree in my yard. Last year, during one of my trips to Texas, a severe storm came through Nashville and broke the top half of the willow completely off. Looking at it today, it has spouted out huge and beautiful limbs from the center, growing stronger and more magnificent than before. The willow was strong, and from it's strength, it conquered the storm. If it had been a weaker tree, it would have perished.

So Who Am I......

I am a man of my word . I have my moments of weakness, but because of my faith, I can rely on God to help me through those struggles. I'm far from perfect, far from being the best example to live by at times, but I continue to be the best that I can be. I've found that through my times of adversity, I am a much stronger person than I could have ever imagined. I am way too compassionate at times and have learned that, that compassion can be both a blessing and a curse. I have a passion for life, but because of my struggles, I have allowed that passion to be overcast at times. I've been blessed with creative gifts, too many times they've been put on the back burner, but they are my comfort and joy. I am one that no longer has to live my with the approval of others....yep....this is my life. I can take their counsel, but can be led by my morals, my judgement, Gods leadership and good old common sense.

This is just part of Who I Am.......but.....I now realize that my struggles and triumphs do not define me. They can mold my character, become a part my outlook, but they do not have to dictate who I am. My inner being, my heart, my spirit, my soul, define who I am.

This may sound a bit strange coming from me.  I'm one that usually doesn't like to use the I or Me words. I'm more for writing about the journey itself, life lessons learned, the good and the bad around  us.
But this was such a ray of sunshine for me, it needed to be put down in words.

So again, I leave you with this thought.......

"What You Are Going Through, Is Not Who You Are"

and the Journey Continues.......


Moanerplicity said...

This was deep, Wynn. And today being 9/11 seems an apt day to have penned it.

What we go through, our joys, our troubles & our adversities, our triumphs, our tragedies are simply tests to define our true character or our lack of it.

Who you are, who I am, who we all are is "stardust, golden, & billion year-old old carbon" as Joni Mitchell once sang & wrote. In a word a: spirit.

More precisely, a Spiritual Being placed here by God in human form to have these profoundly human experiences.

This is who you are, my friend. And what we all must endure here on earth is nothing more than a series of very realistic holograms our spirits must pass through to get to the other side of our journey.

That's it. Thats'all.



WynnSong said...

Great insight my friend. We are all placed here by God to experience life. Thanks for the inspiration....

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...


We will NOT be defined by our circumstances.

I love this post. So many words here speak to my spirit. We have all wondered from time to time...who are we?

I have traveled that "thought" many, many times. It wasn't until about a year and a half or so that "it" sunk in. I am a child of the Most High. Although He loved me first, it took a very long time for me to love Him back and to love Him exclusively.

Your testimony thickens with each struggle and your postings become more clearer of His will for you.

"Looking at it today, it has spouted out huge and beautiful limbs from the center growing, stronger and more magnificent than before. The willow was strong, and from it's strength, it conquered the storm. If it had been a weaker tree, it would have perished."

That statement alone is proof. He often uses things in plain sight to get our attention...but depending on what we're going through...we don't see it right away.

Thankfully, His patience surpasses anything in the flesh.

I love that you recognize your compassion and your talents. Never underestimate your gifts...they are unqiue to Wynn and Wynn alone.

I too am compassionate...and used to label myself as having "too much." He formed me that way with His very own hands, as He did you. Embrace it and be who you are-fearfully and wonderfully made.

* Printed this post as a reminder that His is spirit is ALIVE and is manifesting through you.

Love for a great day!
free spirit butterfly :-)

WynnSong said...

Thanks again my new friend for your incredible insight and inspiration.
God is Good....and our journey of life can only find it's meaning, through Him.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I am a friend to all who fear Him...to all who walk in His truth.

Psalm 119:63

