Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Journey Begins

We didn't sign up for this life....but you know what....We're here.  We have to learn to roll with the punches or be swept out to sea.  If we think back to the age of 7 or 8, we would have never dreamed we would be where we are now.  Life is a Journey with all its ups and down, twist and turns, struggles and adventures, however we look at it.  Some of what life gives us is purely circumstances, I guess you could call it Providence.  Some of our Journey is based on the decisions we make, whether good or bad, their consequences have a way of catching up with us one way or the other.

My Life......Hmmmmmmm.  I can see so many decisions that have complicated my life so much and yet so much of my life has been dictated by Circumstances or Providence.  Life has shown me my Strengths and Weaknesses. It has shown me how to Hate Life and Love it at the same time.  It has shown me how to be a Professional Survivor and maybe too many times a Complainer as well.  But My Life is My Life.

We all are responsible for how we roll with the punches, how we react to our circumstances, whether we fall down and lay there or get up and fight back.  So this is my journey, my moment to lift up....or complain, to ask questions or wish things were better.  I've always said, Life Is A Journey And The Friends We Make Along The Way Are Its Treasures.  So I invite you along on this Journey and hopefully it will be a time of growth and learning for all of us........ 


Moanerplicity said...

Methinks you are a punch-roller, a circumstance enhancer & a Soul-survivor dancer.

The journey continues, my friend... & the road will no doubt contain many twists, turns, heights & inclines, but no matter the trials, tribulations, or celebrations mixed w/adversities, I'm sure your Wondrous Spirit will remain intact!

Snatch JOY!



WynnSong said...

Thanks My Friend....You're The Best....