Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've heard that when you give you receive unexpectedly, when you grasp a hand in need you are grasped back.  The act of us joy, purpose and fulfillment, when we least expect it. 

The last week has been a week where I've had several friends in need of hope, of comfort, of assurance and of thoughts and prayers extended their way. I've not always known the words to say and at times was not given the chance to say a word....... but I was there. 

Sometimes all we have to do is just Be......Be the One Who Listens, Cares, Grasp the Hand, Extends a Hug and Lifts up in Prayer.  Sometimes when we are struggling in our own lives and can't find the joy we're looking for, we can be the Hope, the Joy, the Friend that others are looking for.

My prayers are with you my friends, I may know or may not know what you're going through right now but I am praising God for the Peace of Mind, the Hope of Healing, the Renewing of Your Spirits and the Ability to Snatch the Joy that you have been unable to find lately.

Warmest of Love

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