Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Stress is one of those things that you think you have under control and then it hits you like a brick wall knocking you flat on your back.  To say the least, things have been a bit stressful lately for me and if it has for you I understand how it can consume you at times.

Soooooo ...... I offer a time of stress relief, a time to stop, step back, reflect and regroup.  I've added a new video...."His Eye Is On The Sparrow" by Lauryn Hill to my page and I suggest just turning up the volume, clicking play and setting back and taking a moment for YOU.

All The Best Today


censation said...

This is something I needed to read, The Lord works in Mysterious Ways I believe I was lead here because I needed to read your blog to help me get off the pity pot. Since having cancer I have been a mess often feeling sorry for myself and that was leading to much stress I'm learning to Let Go and Let God, Because I do No He Has He's Eye On The Sparrow, And I know He Watches Over Me.

WynnSong said...

Glad it could help my friend....