Monday, December 17, 2012

The Value Of Death

With the events of this last week, we talk a lot about the value of life. When tragedy strikes close to home, we are sickened at the loss, at the brutality. We see those so young, taken way before their time. Lives with so much hope and adventure, ended in an instant.

We see twenty six lives taken and it touches our very core....

What I guess struck me so hard today, was the fact that we have young, innocent, lives, being taken every day. We see parents and children being massacred every day. Simply by turning on our television or computer, we see. We seem so adjusted to death happening, we just take a listen and then go on our way. We seem to forget that......that death had value as well.

In the news this week. it's called an American Tragedy. We see the pictures, hear the names, the stories, the beautiful life of each one taken. People from all over the world have talked about it and sent their condolences. 

But we don't see the names, or the lives, or the tragedy that took so many away in Syria, or Israel, or Pakistan.....and the list goes on. We just hear the facts and go on about our business. It seems to take a tragedy at home, before we become emotionally involved. 

I'm not trying to take anything away from the seriousness and the sorrow of such a tragic event, that showed the worst of human nature. So many young lives were taken. I guess I'm just trying to say, when did we become so blind to the value of each death.

Why is it so easy to only see the value of each life, each child, each mother or father, brother or sister......each life taken, just when it's close to home. Why do we not look closer, show the names, the faces, the stories on the news, when it happens some place else. Maybe if the news spent more time showing the tragedy abroad, making it more personal, helping us to feel the emotion of the family, the loved ones, the community.....we would rise up from all over and say.....the madness has got to stop. Maybe we would finally stand up for what is right and good in the world, see the value of each life and each death, and find a way to turn this world around, in a new direction.

We pray, we talk, we share and for so many, we forget for a while.... until it happens again, close to home. The sad part about happens everyday. Lives being taken, tragically, maliciously, cowardly.
When will we hear their stories.

As I continue listening to the news even now, we all mourn for the tragedy in Connecticut......

But please people.....when will we mourn for the voices silenced, but not heard......

1 comment:

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Love the post! I am in agreement. We tend to personalize deaths that occur close to "home."

But I am with you...a life taken, it a life taken.

I have witnessed death for the past 22 years and each one is significant. It doesn't matter if it's a drug dealer, a prostitute, an innocent by stander, a senior passing from natural causes, a child or "person" of interest of according to the "media's perception...."

Every individual is a child of God. And when "we" start to place more value on one death as oppose to another...GOD is VERY displeased with His people.

I'm sadden by this recent tragedy and thank you for bringing to our attention...the many tragedies that occur daily.