Thursday, December 27, 2012

What Will I Do Different

We celebrated another Christmas, and I've gotta say, this was the first one in a long time that I really enjoyed........Nice.......

Next comes the start of a New Year.  There's something about 2013 that already sounds ominous. I know the number 13 has been added to years in the past. I'm not sure what those years were like, but apparently we survived. I've never been superstitious, so no worries there. It just sounds a little.......ummmm.......uh oh.....look out.

This is the time that we make our...New Year Resolutions. Then we see just how long they last.

Instead of Resolutions, I've decided that this year is going to be a year of "What Will I Do Different".
That seems to work better for me than.....Resolutions.

Last year, seeing the way my body seemed to be falling apart way too fast and with the advice of my doctors, I started going to the gym. I've learned to love it, even though my body doesn't agree most of the time, when it screams at me the next couple of days after working out.

This year, I've decided to start working on my mind as well. I'm not the reader that I would like to be, but I was fortunate to receive a Christmas Gift from a really good Friend, a Beautiful book cover  for a Kindle. He wasn't sure if I had one, but that was exactly the inspiration I needed to get one. I now have a Kindle, thanks to Christmas, that fits perfectly in the cover. I've added my first book and I'm on my way to my first improvement this year....expanding and improving my mind by reading more. Thanks Lin......

I could make a list of lot of other things that I need to do differently, but, I suppose one thing at a time will do. Taking on last years objective and being able to feel that I've accomplished it, really adds to my excitement for this year's as well.  Sure I will continue working on other things that need improvement, but I have a goal, with a purpose. Making sure my mind doesn't fall apart any worse than it already has and improve it's function.......hehehe.....sounds a little clinical....but works for me.

So as we swing into the year of 2013, I offer Good Thoughts and Prayers of Blessing Beyond Measure.
I offer new doors opened, and old habits and frustrations closed. I offer up a year where we can say, finally, now that was a year to remember. And even though we know hardships will be along for the ride, we can say, we rode first class, with respect, dignity and a road well traveled.

So what ever we do, I pray we work on Doing It Better, With Purpose,
With Compassion, With Love, With Joy and With Life.....

and the Journey Continues


Shannon said...

Very inspiring Wynn! I'm taking this to heart and giving myself a once over - heaven knows I can use lots of work! I look forward to sharing the journey with friends old and new and rediscovered! Happy happy New Year to you!

WynnSong said...

Thanks Shannon.....
Have a Great New Year as well....