Thursday, February 28, 2013

Straddling The Fence

I've had this conversation a lot lately.....with myself.

When we keep our feet in two different worlds, straddling the fence as it were, what does that tell us about who we are. The reason I've questioned this......
I realize that we are all human and that our triumphs as well as our misgivings make us who we are. But when we keep one foot in one world and one foot in another, we find ourselves following two different paths, two different journeys, and a lot of times, two different philosophies of life.

Take the physical and the spiritual for example. When we have one foot in the world, we adhere to the ways of the world. Our language, our thoughts, our actions, all reflect the world around us. When we have one foot in the spiritual, we know the warmth of God's love and guidance and can express that relationship to others freely. But what happens when we continue to straddle the fence.

Again, I know we are all human, including myself. I know how easy it is to flow with the world around us, as well as flow with the guidance of the spirit. I've always heard that our actions speak louder than words, but what happens when our words speak louder than our actions.

Maybe I should clarify what brought me to this conversation. Not meaning to be judgmental....maybe just observing, I've noticed over and over the post on different profile pages that seem to conflict with themselves. One moment I see scriptures being quoted and words of inspiration being shared. The next moment, I see the carnal side with cursing and sexual connotations being shared as well.

So why do I let this bother me.....and should I. Not knowing the heart of those I seem to be judging, is it just that.....judging. But seeing it happen over and over makes me wonder. Can we live in the ways of the world and still be a shinning light to our relationship with God. Can we praise one minute and curse the next. Should we just accept that as being human.

I know life is complex and complicated. I know that we are constantly torn between the physical and the spiritual. But if we are presenting ourselves to the world spiritually, what damage are we doing by presenting our worldly side as well.

In my own words and actions, I find myself straddling that fence way too often, thus the struggle of this conversation. Who am I to be telling others they need to get off the fence and go one way or the other. Should I get over it and say, live your life the way you feel is right. Or should I be concerned at the way we show our character in black and white or in total contradiction. Should I be concerned the way some show their love of God one moment and their hatred and anger the next.....I don't know.

Will I continue having this conversation with myself......or just let it go.

I know all we can do is live life the best we can and pray that others will find their place in this world. Pray that we all will realize that sometimes our words do speak louder than our actions and that straddling the fence can only lead us down two different path of conflict, paths that never seem to find their true purpose, that never find their full potential. Pray that we all will find the way to plant our feet on solid ground, with one goal and one direction and find that place of peace and fulfillment.

and the Journey Continues.....


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

"Pray that we all will find the way to plant our feet on solid ground, with one goal and one direction and find that place of peace and fulfillment."

Only if we submit to His will. I pray that I can be an example of His light. I tell Him daily, "Lord, I may not understand, but I will trust YOU.
I beg Him to discipline me when I stray. Yes, in this flesh...we will stray.

With Him, there is forgiveness.


Love for a great day!

Shannon said...

I wrote a very long comment right here the other day - I decided later that maybe it didn't sound right - came back here and somehow it didn't post. :)
What I wanted to say was....that everyone's path is different. We all have to find a way to balance the spiritual and physical - for some that's easy for other'
s it's more of a struggle. For me - balancing my own is a big enough challenge - I'm not going to try to decide about anyone else's. :)
Enjoy your challenges to think. :)

WynnSong said...

I'm the same way's a struggle keeping things balanced. Making people think is why I put my thoughts out there. Glad I could challenge you as well.....