Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Loss of a Child

I drove two elderly sisters to the Animal Humane Center this morning. The older sister had her small dog, Tanya, for several years. They had moved in with her sister a few months ago. Both were deeply attached to Tanya. We were taking Tanya to be euthanized. She had been sick for a while and was just to weak to go on.

For the two women, they were loosing a child. It was heartbreaking as they said their goodbyes, leaving Tanya to her fate.

This past week there seemed to be an epidemic of parents loosing their children. So many tragedies from car accidents, to shootings and stabbings. One of the saddest in Nashville was of a thirteen year old boy changing a tire on the side of the highway for his mother, being hit by a women who was impaired, leaving the scene but later arrested. The boy was a boy scout, deeply involved in his church and a sweet, sweet kid. At his funeral today, he would be buried in his scout uniform that he cherished so deeply.

To think that as they left the house that day, they never imagined meeting such tragedy. As with so many other parents sending their kids off, to get the news that they were gone as well.

They say, a parent should never loose a child. It seems to be the most heart wrenching of all tragedies.

I remember, years ago, I went back to Texas to spend time with my family after my cancer diagnosis. Being told I would have six months to a year to live was the hardest thing I had to share with my parents. As my Mom hugged me, the pain in her face was almost unbearable as the tears flowed and her voice trembled. But I was one of the lucky ones, as I lived to be there for my parents in their time of need and their passing.

It's times like these that we seem to take a deeper look at our own lives. What we are doing, how we are living, and are we truly living in the present. We just have to look around and see that tomorrow is not promised.

So I pray for those who are going through such loss, whether a beautiful pet, a wonderful child, a parent or grandparent, that God would ease the pain, the emptiness, the anguish and give them strength for today and hope for tomorrow. I pray that we will be there for them as well, if only to sit quietly with them as I did this morning and let them grieve.

Love and comfort can be shown in a multitude of actions, or inaction's, through compassion and strength. May God bless them today and you, as you constantly strive to make our world a better place.

and the Journey Continues......


Unknown said...

Thank you my friend. Losing a child has been the toughest trial if my life. I'm always taken back to the fact that God is in control and life happens and we will get thru it all. May God continue to bless your life.

Unknown said...

Thank you my friend. Losing a child has been the toughest trial if my life. I'm always taken back to the fact that God is in control and life happens and we will get thru it all. May God continue to bless your life.

WynnSong said...

You were on my mind as I was writing this. You know I keep you in my thoughts and prayers....