Monday, November 5, 2012

My Political View

Disclaimer:  This is my Journey and My Thoughts. I don't expect you to agree but I do ask that you respect my beliefs for me, as I will for you.

With so much politics in the country today, I took a look back at the evolution of my political beliefs and found them to be..... well........

I was raised in a small town in Texas with the political view of my parents, as did so many in my small town. It was easy to vote because it was a click on the ballet to vote for all on the Republican party. It didn't take me long to rethink that and realize that I liked what was represented by some members of both parties. So, yep, I became an Independent.  I voted for quite a while as an Independent voter, looking at both sides, trying to see their good points and their bad points, with a prayer. I realized they were human. Humans aren't perfect, they make mistakes and bad decisions. But you can usually tell where their heart and humanity are, by the tone of their voice, the look in their eyes and their struggle to make things right.

There was a time, when I became really disillusioned by the Democratic party. I started to see their grasp for power, their pride and purpose, getting in the way of what was right for the people. But then, I saw a Democratic President elected. Someone I felt really had a heart for the people, wanting to make our country a better place. It didn't matter if the President tried to make things better, it was all in vain as it has been so many times. The Republicans fought tooth and nail to fight everything he proposed. When our country was struggling the most, they cared more about their politics, than trying to work to make things better. Then the ugliness of the Democrats, began to spread like wildfires to the Republican party. The continued grasp for power, the continued political games, the continued actions of what we want as a party and not what's the best for the people, grew like a black cancerous mass, covering our entire country. In it, the people became filled with hate, ugliness, and hopelessness. I became so disillusioned with the whole political game, I lost all faith in our government, our politicians, our leaders. I saw every man or woman running for office, spewing out hatred and lies, or only what they thought people wanted to hear to get votes.

So.....I became.....unpolitical.........

Even though our political system reeks with  havoc, I know it's all we've got right now. Will it ever get better, probably not. Will the anger and hatred go away, probably not. Will the fake smiles and grasp for power go away, probably not. Will one party ever try to work with the other party or the other parties President, probably not. Will the people of our country start looking deeper inside what the Presidential candidates and congressional candidates are really saying, not what's being spewed across the airways, full of lies and hate and deceit, probably not. Will we ever get it right, probably not.........

But we can hope, and we can pray, and we can do our part to make this country a better place. But.....
...We.......have to make the change.  We have to look in our hearts and find what lies deep beneath. Is it hatred, anger, pride, or is it love for humanity or the desire for peace and hope. So many of us call ourselves Christians, but what we say, or do, or write when it comes to politics, or life in general, has a way of showing our true nature, our true heart.

I make the statement, a lot, BE WHO YOU WISH THE WORLD WOULD BE. By our actions, and words, and deeds, are we making a difference for a Better World, or, are we trying to send the world to hell in a hand basket. Are we hanging on to anger, the hatred, or, are we letting it go, and making everyday a gift, by filling it with words of hope, and joy, and love.

I've seen the bad side of humanity show it's face way too much lately. But in the midst of all the corruption, and darkness, I see a light crack through the surface. I pray that those of us who spread that light, will grow stronger and brighter. And those who don't, will grow tired of the games, and the hopelessness, and the anger, and try to work together to make the world.....OUR WORLD....the best it can be.......

and the Journey Continues.........

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I traveled a path very similar to yours, my friend. I find myself voting against my conscience at times because I'm so concerned about economic instability and loss of personal freedom. Something has to change. Let's hope it's soon.