Saturday, August 10, 2013

Angry People

As a preface to this, the Hate of the world seemed to jump out at me this week in so many ways. I remember a friend of my sister that constantly watched a particular Christian station where they constantly criticized with hate and anger. They showed no love, no life, just gloom and doom. God is the light of the world, not the darkness. When we allow our hearts to be filled with that darkness, we loose sight of His light and love.

We are an Angry People
We are a turbulent lot
We spew hatred and lies
We gossip and deceive

We hide behind our religion
We say it's our right
We use the name of God
We hate, we scream, we kill

We once had a heart filled with love
We wanted to let peace have it's chance
We wanted our children to have a better world
We wanted the best that life had to offer

But, we listened to the voices around us
We believed every word they said
We didn't care if it was lies
We didn't care if it really didn't make sense

We shut out the voice of God
We closed our hearts to His love
We became an Angry People
We grew cold, and callous, and cruel

We turned our religion and politics into a weapon
We as Christians, as Muslims, as atheist
We as Democrats, and Republicans, and Independents
We criticize, we judge, we hate

When will we listen to His voice
When will we shut out the soothsayers
When will we show compassion
When will we remember how to get along

When will we listen to our own words
When will we look deep inside our own hearts
When will we stop the Hate
When will we find a better way

"Open my eyes that I may see
Glimpses of truth thou hast for me
Open my heart, illumine me
Spirit Divine"


Moanerplicity said...

What you wrote is the absolute truth, Wynn... most especially these lines:

"We turned our religion and politics into a weapon
We as Christians, as Muslims, as atheist
We as Democrats, and Republicans, and Independents
We criticize, we judge, we hate:

That, my friend, is the sad state of this world... in a nutshell.

It's left up to us, individually, to CHANGE it.


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I used to listen to them
I used to believe them
I used to be one of them

I listen to Him
I believe Him
I follow Him

I got a late start, but by grace, His Mercies are new every morning!

Great POST!

Love for a great day my friend!

WynnSong said...

Thanks my friends. It has been a week where the noise of this world was a bit overwhelming. It's time to make some changes for sure. One step at a time.